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The Forward Story

My Journey

My personal journey, marked by decades of experience in the field of education, adversity, and transformation, laid the foundation for Forward Coaching Co. A profound connection with a dying mentor ignited the spark for this venture, inspiring a commitment to guiding others forward in their life’s journeys. Rooted in a blend of Eastern and Western philosophies, I offer a supportive space for clients to explore their potential and overcome challenges. With a focus on self-awareness, empowerment, and personal growth, Forward Coaching Co. aims to partner in helping individuals discover their purpose, find fulfillment, and create lasting change both personally and professionally.

Falling Forward: The Founder’s Journey

For most of my life, I have lived with a constant drip of fear leaking from my faucet. The kind of slow drip that you don’t notice until you are standing in a pool of water and drowning. I have rejected my own embrace, have shunned my deepest desires, and have cast aside my potential- in fear that I would fail or disappoint others. The conundrum of it all is: the exact fear that painted the pretty facade that was supposed to keep me safe, actually caused my death, metaphorically of course.

In 2022, I hit a hallow* bottom after years of emotional repression, and life decided to point me in a different direction. Actually, no, it didn’t point at all. It pummelled me in the face with a sledgehammer. I lost nearly everything: my marriage, time with my children (whom I love and adore), my career, my house, most of my friends, and my dignity. I had to find the strength to rebuild my life without the things I knew and loved. While falling into my pit of despair, I realized the only way out of my darkness, was through it. So, I started my journey forward. In hindsight, I learned I had to lose all of me, to recover the authentic me. Letting go has been one of the most difficult undertakings of my life, but it was required to transcend to who I was meant to be all along, or perhaps who I always was.

Life is hard, incredibly hard. Finding coaching taught me the importance of having the courage to travel inward and face the hard stuff. It taught me the value of emotional wellness. It brought out my inner yogi, made me stronger in faith, and taught me that my courage is greater than my fear. I know yours is too. And if you’ll let me, I would love to partner with you on your journey- whatever that may be.

*I say “hallow” because it turned out to be a blessing in disguise

The “Forward” Origin

The seeds of Forward Coaching Co. were planted on a Hospice medical bed, cradled by the unconditional love of my high school softball coach. He'd seen me soar on the field, and he'd been there for me when I hit my absolute rock bottom. Cancer took a cruel swing at him, yet his love never faltered.

During his final months, I visited him as often as possible. We'd reminisce about games won and lost, share updates about our families, and talk about travel. Sometimes, his medication would weave a different story, and our conversations would morph to take the shape of his hallucinations. But even through the false reality, he always saw me as the person I truly am.

During one of my visits, after many conversations battling through pain, hallucinations, and exhaustion, something unexpected happened. In his bed, positioned near the family room, I placed my hand on his arm to say, “Hello.” His eyes opened and he was lucid. Clear-eyed and present. Inside, I was a storm of emotions, holding back tears with every smile. Something, a primal instinct, told me this might be our last farewell. I had to tell him everything I wanted to say and I had to do it in that very moment.

Vulnerable, I poured my heart out, thanking him for the confidence he instilled in me, the sense of self-worth, and the unwavering belief that ignited my courage to face anything. My voice, like him, battled weakness, yet the message rang true.

He listened patiently, then with a faint but determined smile, spoke the words that would forever change my path. "Well," he muttered, a hint of defiance in his voice, "there's only one direction for both of us to go now..." A fleeting silence hung heavy in the air, pregnant with unspoken emotions. Finally, I managed a choked whisper, "Where?" His reply, though barely audible, held the power of a thousand victories. "Forward."

The next day, he passed away. The Forward Coaching Co. is my tribute to him, a promise whispered on his deathbed. It's a commitment to myself and everyone I reach – to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles. Because in every hardship, there's a chance to discover a hidden reserve of strength. It's all a matter of perception. We can choose to see challenges as roadblocks, or as opportunities to become more resilient, more ourselves. The choice is ours, and Forward Coaching Co. is here to help you make it.


Let's partner to help you discover your way forward.

Forward Philosophy

Forward Coaching Co. is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to thrive. My restorative coaching approach focuses on rebuilding, renewing, and revitalizing both personal and professional lives. I am committed to helping clients actualize change so they can pursue their purpose with confidence and joy.


My vision is a partnership where individuals and teams find comfort, acceptance, and perspective to become the primary architects of their lives and careers. I believe in the power of restoration to unlock potential, enhance performance, and foster meaningful connections.


By combining Eastern and Western wisdom, I offer a holistic approach to healing and growth. My coaching process emphasizes


Personal Restoration:

  • Reclaiming work-life balance

  • Managing stress and burnout

  • Enhancing emotional well-being

  • Rediscovering personal passions

  • Building self-confidence and resilience


Professional Renewal:

  • Revitalizing careers and businesses

  • Strengthening leadership skills

  • Fostering high-performance teams

  • Enhancing organizational culture

  • Developing strategic thinking and innovation


My restorative coaching journey is designed to help individuals and organizations find renewed purpose, energy, and fulfillment. By addressing both personal and professional dimensions, I empower clients to achieve lasting transformation and create a positive impact on their lives and communities.


Partner with Forward Coaching Co. in your journey FORWARD.


Coaching Approach

My client-centered approach creates a safe space for you to explore your unique journey, guided by my expertise to discover your answers. I focus on empowering you to tap into your inner strength and resources, providing compassionate support in an environment where you feel heard and understood. I act as a growth catalyst, igniting curiosity and reflection to encourage you to explore possibilities for growth in all areas of life.

Ideal Client

  • Someone committed to self-discovery and motivated to achieve their goals.

  • Individuals seeking a supportive guide on their personal or professional journey.

  • People who value personal growth and a balanced life.

  • Someone who has a desire to restore their well-being.

In a Nutshell

My philosophy emphasizes a transformative journey of personal growth that embraces both Western and Eastern ideologies. I view coaching as a partnership where you discover your unique path to a more fulfilling life. By fostering self-awareness, empowerment, and a growth mindset, I aim to help you reach your full potential and live authentically.

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